Tuesday, October 8, 2013

PHEW 25 days

I compiled a shot list for the photographer yesterday using my wedding book and pinterest ideas, I just need to type it into a coherent form. I know my grandparents will give me problems about taking photos, and I'm worried about the lighting after the ceremony for doing shots with just me and Max.

I started work on Max's two projects. Worked on a list of date night ideas to go in a jar filled with popsicle sticks. They're color coded, so you know if you're picking "stay at home" "go out" "expensive and planned". I need Max's input for stuff that he wants to do. But he's always busy.

The other project is almost done, I just need to develop the photos and paste them all. Actually, not nearly done. Just the sorting is done. Luckily I got the ones I needed off the laptop before it mysteriously stopped working. Another project for Max when he has time...

I got my guest book done today! I'm really proud of it. Since I got my engagement photos in the mail today, and a convenient LivingSocial deal came up for a photo book, I assembled it today. It has 3 question pages, "Your best marriage advice:" "What should we name our children?" and "What should we do in our first year of marriage?". And then the photos either have space for writing, or there's space next to them. I'll have everyone at the rehearsal dinner sign the book first so there's examples for what to actually do.

I started working on the wedding program today, too. A lot done. We just need to format it and then head to Kinko's to get stuff printed.

Getting there! And Max's Bachelor party finally got planned. Let's hope people actually read the info...

But I kind of missed an exam, and need to withdraw from the class. Yeesh.

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